We create life-changing experiences through lending.

Amazing things happen when you put people first

If you ask our Loan Officers what the best part of their job is, they’ll probably tell you it’s the moment when a house hunter becomes a homeowner.

Our Loan Officers are committed to always going the extra mile to make that moment happen, even when it doesn’t always seem possible. It’s what makes AMC Lending Loan Officers different—their passion for making the dream of homeownership come true.

What you can always expect from an AMC Lending Loan Officer

Local Insight

Every market has its own unique set of challenges — and opportunities. Our Loan Officers have the local knowledge you need to make the most informed decision possible. 

National Expertise

When is the right time to purchase? When is the best time to refinance? AMC Lending’s 30+ years in the industry means our Loan Officers will give you answers you can trust. 

Creative Solutions

AMC Lending offers one of the largest portfolios of mortgage products in the industry. And if none of those fit your situation, our Loan Officers can design one that does.

Inspiring Hope at home and abroad

When Duane Shaw founded AMC Lending in 1988, he established a vision for the company that goes beyond mortgage lending—to Inspire Hope through service. Ever since then, we’ve strived to fulfill that vision through more than a dozen international service expeditions and countless community projects here at home.

"The Service Expedition is an important component of our heavily service-oriented company culture. Our commitment to service initiatives—both at home and abroad—helps define our culture and differentiates our company in the mortgage industry."
James Mac Pherson

A wide selection of loans, tailored to your needs

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. So when it comes to choosing a mortgage, don’t try to do it on your own. Familiarize yourself with your options, and then work with a local AMC Lending Loan Officer to find the loan that’s right for you.